He has temporarily lost a voice and gone into hibernation. But, make no mistake, the 'revolutionist yesterday, today and tomorrow' may be strategising on the next line of action to pin his arch opponent-Morgan Tsvangirai, to the ground.
Tyrants, like Mugabe would rather believe in voodooism and hang on to power rather than see the handwriting on the wall and quit the stage before the ovation ebbs. Mugabe has gone into an ominous solitude like an orphan and a bruised serpent but would not allow the results of the vote concluded since Saturday to be announced. He may be trying to re-enact the rare courage portrayed by Ernest Hemingway in his famous 1952 'The Old Man and The Sea' novel or may be playing Shakespeare's Macbeth outright.
Whichever way he chooses to go, the world is against him. Although the UK and the US may not roll in tanks to drive him away like they did to Saddam Hussein in 2003, they have strongly warned him to respect the democratic rights of the electorate. Gordon Brown warned on Tuesday that the results be released at once while David Miliband and other ministers took turns on Wednesday to vilify Mugabe. This was in addition to a verdict by Desmond Tutu that Mugabe had no reason to have stayed on till now. Same date, the US insisted the results be released.
It is common knowledge that having won 99 out of the 210 parliamentary seats against Mugabe's ZANU-PF's 94, Tsvangirai's MDC has won both the presidential and parliamentary votes.
Disappointingly, the ZEC has not published the results. By its own tally, the MDC says Tsvangirai has won the race with 50.3 percent to Mugabe's 43.8, thus eliminating the need for a re-run.
However, like soldiers of misfortune, ZANU-PF describes the MDC's claim as a mere 'wishful thinking'.
With soldiers and riot policemen already mobilised on the streets of Harare, the stage may be set for Mugabe to fight back like a wounded lion or a viper bruised but not dead. Get the point?
Tyrants, like Mugabe would rather believe in voodooism and hang on to power rather than see the handwriting on the wall and quit the stage before the ovation ebbs. Mugabe has gone into an ominous solitude like an orphan and a bruised serpent but would not allow the results of the vote concluded since Saturday to be announced. He may be trying to re-enact the rare courage portrayed by Ernest Hemingway in his famous 1952 'The Old Man and The Sea' novel or may be playing Shakespeare's Macbeth outright.
Whichever way he chooses to go, the world is against him. Although the UK and the US may not roll in tanks to drive him away like they did to Saddam Hussein in 2003, they have strongly warned him to respect the democratic rights of the electorate. Gordon Brown warned on Tuesday that the results be released at once while David Miliband and other ministers took turns on Wednesday to vilify Mugabe. This was in addition to a verdict by Desmond Tutu that Mugabe had no reason to have stayed on till now. Same date, the US insisted the results be released.
It is common knowledge that having won 99 out of the 210 parliamentary seats against Mugabe's ZANU-PF's 94, Tsvangirai's MDC has won both the presidential and parliamentary votes.
Disappointingly, the ZEC has not published the results. By its own tally, the MDC says Tsvangirai has won the race with 50.3 percent to Mugabe's 43.8, thus eliminating the need for a re-run.
However, like soldiers of misfortune, ZANU-PF describes the MDC's claim as a mere 'wishful thinking'.
With soldiers and riot policemen already mobilised on the streets of Harare, the stage may be set for Mugabe to fight back like a wounded lion or a viper bruised but not dead. Get the point?
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