Seeing those horrendous pictures of Chinese securitymen manhandling poor harmless Tibetans and dragging them to prison makes me feel for those souls. How wrong were they in assuming that the world was with them and that their right to peaceful assembly and protest would be respected by China? China broods no dissent and is not ashamed to clamp down on innocent media's attempt to report the riot and those it has branded as 'guilty, using its mouthpiece. It is sad that the Chinese government that had pledged in 2001 to respect human rights as a prerequisite for hosting the Olympics is repudiating. Most disappointing is that neither the UK nor the US is willing to challenge Hu Jintao to change the country's mad dog behaviour towards Tibetans and journalists. So appalling is George Bush's declaration that the repression against Tibetans won't make him not to attend Beijing Olympics opening. Britain has also disappointingly said that boycotting the games would not do the world any good. If China has failed to keep its own side of the bargain, why does the world not also slam the despotic regime at least for once? Beijing has gone ahead to block foreign media's websites so that only its spin would be heard and seen around the world. Those who allow economic gains to overshadow public good have missed a great opportunity to call China to order. If it cannot be tamed now that it is desperately looking for the world's support to host the Olympics in August, when will it be called to order? I love Nancy Pelosi for going to see the Dalai Lama and for speaking out against China's inhuman behaviour in Tibet. Only time will judge the rest whose mouths have been clipped as China roars as a roaring lion.
China English People's Daily
China News Agency
ABC News blog
China English People's Daily
China News Agency
ABC News blog
World leaders cannot stand by and watching as China continues to trample on the rights of innocent people in Tibet. Against all the oppression, the people of Tibet remain steadfast. A boycott of the game's opening as a show of disapproval to China’s stand is the only way. World leaders MUST listen to voices of reason such as that of the US House Speaker.
Obviously, that is the only way to go. I was again disappointed today when Gordon Brown insisted in his weekly press conference in London that he was still going to attend the opening ceremonies of the Beijing Olympics. Brown must be made to understand that the injustice being meted to Tibetans is the same that compelled him and the US to deploy their soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. Injustice anywhere is the same everywhere.
That is the message that the world should remember at this critical moment of the Dalai Lama and the rest in Tibet's campaign of freedom.
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